SoX is the Swiss Army Knife of sound processing utilities. It can convert audio files to other popular audio file types and also apply sound effects and filters during the conversion.
GNU Library or Lesser General Public License version 2.0 (LGPLv2), GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2)Follow SoX - Sound eXchange
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User Reviews
How do I get soxi.exe? It is not included in the distribution files for Windows that I can download today?
No manual for installation, go figure. The installer downloaded from here is running, but the executable once installed does not. Installing with winget does nothing either, the executable can not be run from a command line.
This may help "UK_2007".... I've had issues with 1.14.2 and no audio output through my default audio device. I tried forcing it to my speakers. I tried a different audio card. No matter how many hours I spent trying to get it to play - no good ... It just could not find a default audio device. Solution: Uninstall 1.14.2 and install 1.14.1 ! It just plain worked first time! And has continued to work ever since. Mike
Basically it did not work. It can't play AD4 files, although it is supposed to. "no handler for file extension AD4". The documentation seems to be out of date, referring to "Play" and "Rec" which don't come in the download. I got the error "Sorry, there is no default audio device configured". Online ,I found various guesses as to how to fix that, but in the end I never got it working. Support .. zero to poor.
Excellent, thank you